
References for “Knowns and unknowns of contemporary waterpipe tobaccos” by Dr John Lauterbach (TJI issue 06/2022)

1. Hahn J, Rose N. Water pipe tobacco smoking – from the first idea to an international standard. CORESTA Congress, Quebec, 2014, Smoke Science/Product Technology Groups, ST 14.

2. Schubert J, Hahn J, Dettbarn G, Seidel A, Luch A, Schulz TG. Mainstream smoke of the waterpipe: does this environmental matrix reveal as significant source of toxic compounds? Toxicol Lett. 2011 Sep 10;205(3):279-84.

3. Schubert J, Bewersdorff J, Luch A, Schulz TG. Waterpipe smoke: a considerable source of human exposure against furanic compounds. Anal Chim Acta. 2012 Jan 4;709:105-12.

4. Schubert J, Heinke V, Bewersdorff J, Luch A, Schulz TG. Waterpipe smoking: the role of humectants in the release of toxic carbonyls. Arch Toxicol. 2012 Aug;86(8):1309-16.

5. El Hourani M, Talih S, Salman R, Karaoghlanian N, Karam E, El Hage R, Saliba NA, Shihadeh A. Comparison of CO, PAH, Nicotine, and Aldehyde Emissions in Waterpipe Tobacco Smoke Generated Using Electrical and Charcoal Heating Methods. Chem Res Toxicol. 2019 Jun 17;32(6):1235-1240.

6. Schubert J, Müller FD, Schmidt R, Luch A, Schulz TG. Waterpipe smoke: source of toxic and carcinogenic VOCs, phenols and heavy metals? Arch Toxicol. 2015 Nov;89(11):2129-39.

7. Tellez CS, Juri DE, Phillips LM, Do K, Thomas CL, Willink R, Dye WW, Wu G, Zhou Y, Irshad H, Kishida S, Kiyono T, Belinsky SA. Comparative Genotoxicity and Mutagenicity of Cigarette, Cigarillo, and Shisha Tobacco Products in Epithelial and Cardiac Cells. Toxicol Sci. 2021 Oct 27;184(1):67-82.

8. Khalil C, Chahine JB, Chahla B, Hobeika T, Khnayzer RS. Characterization and cytotoxicity assessment of nargile smoke using dynamic exposure. Inhal Toxicol. 2019 Aug-Aug;31(9-10):343-356.

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