100 billion cigarettes smoked a year

The Chief Executive of Egypt’s largest cigarette manufacturer has claimed that Egyptians smoke around 100 billion cigarettes per year, reports The New Arab.

According to the statement by the CEO of Eastern Company (EC) Hany Aman, this would mean that every person of the 100 million strong population smokes 1,000 cigarettes per year. Aman said that around 18 per cent of Egypt’s population are smokers and if only they are included in the calculation, those 18 per cent would be smoking over 5,555 cigarettes a year or 15 cigarettes per day.
In recent months, prices for cigarettes have risen from EGP 24 (USD 0.78) to EGP 60 (USD 1.94) as consumers stockpile amongst fears there will be a tax increase, reports The New Arab.
Currently, EC produces 70 billion cigarettes per year and makes up around 75 per cent of the market in Egypt. According to Aman, the company has recently increased its production to keep up with demand.
“I appeal to consumers to refrain from purchasing quantities beyond their actual needs and to avoid hoarding,” he said, adding that prices should return to normal in 3 to 4 weeks.


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