465 million contraband cigarettes seized

In Germany, 465 million contraband cigarettes were seized by customs authorities in 2007.

The amount of seized cigarettes consisted of more than 50 per cent counterfeit cigarettes as well as of genuine products not intended for sale in Germany.
In order to address this issue, Philip Morris calls for an extension of restrictions on imports from neighboring eastern European countries to beyond 2008/2009 as well as for the deployment of additional personal – especially to customs authorities´ mobile action forces.
Philip Morris International (PMI) entered into a cooperation agreement with the European Commission to combat illicit trade in 2004. As part of this agreement, Philip Morris International has pledged to make around USD 1.25 billion available to the European Community over the next twelve years. As stated by the EU Commission, Germany will receive around 25 per cent of the money the EU Commission provides to the participating states for the purpose of fighting illicit cigarette trade.

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