605,703 tons of tobacco produced

The tobacco production in Brazil increased by 8.1 per cent to 605,703 tons this season compared to last year, reports Kohltrade.

According to the Brazilian Tobacco Growers’ Association (Afubra), the final figures for South Brazil’s tobacco production for the 2022/2023 harvest reached 605,703 tons. The figures were obtained through surveys carried out during the harvest with tobacco growers which showed that the Virginia variety reached 551,586 tons, while Burley weighed in at 46,469 tons and the Common variety amounted to 7,649 tons, according to a press release from Kohltrade.
This equals an 8.1 per cent increase in production compared to 2021/2022 when a total of 560,181 tons were harvested. In terms of the area tobacco was grown on, an increase of 6.1 per cent from 246,590 ha to 261,740 ha was recorded.
This season, the average price paid to tobacco growers was BRL 18.12 (USD 3.71) compared to BRL 17.02 (USD 3.49) in the past season – an increase of 6.5 per cent.
According to Kohltrade, the production estimate for the 2023/2024 harvest will be finalized at the end of October and the projected area to be planted in southern Brazil indicates a slight increase.

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