Action plan to curb tobacco consumption passed

The cabinet has approved a five-year action plan that will aim to curb the consumption of tobacco and thus reduce the harm smoking does to peoples’ health, reports the Bangkok Post.

The plan, which has been allocated a budget of THB 498 million (USD 15.5 million) is set to start this year and run until 2027, government spokesman Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana confirmed.
Six strategies are at the basis of the plan with the first calling for an expansion of the capacity of state agencies to control the domestic consumption of tobacco, reports the Bangkok Post.
The second strategy is aimed at reducing the numbers of new smokers via educational campaigns and public awareness, the third involves creating networks to help those looking to quit smoking. The remaining strategies will deal with the full disclosure of tobacco product contents, regulations to ban smoking in public areas and workplaces and a revision of tobacco-related taxes and the suppression of illegal tobacco sales.

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