Ban on tobacco advertising and additives proposed

The ministry of health of Bulgaria proposed to ban all forms of direct and indirect tobacco advertisement in 2013, according to a Novinite report.

According to the ministry's National Program for Limiting Smoking in 2011-2015, all tobacco advertisements, including the display of cigarettes and images of them in stores would be banned in 2013 and the sale of tobacco products will be restricted to specialised stores. Cigarette manufacturers would be mandated to account for the exact amount of funds used for advertising, and will not be allowed to sponsor social events.

The program would also ban the use of additives aimed at improving the aroma and the taste of cigarettes.

Further measures of the program include the restriction of images of people smoking in Bulgarian movies, TV series and various broadcasts. The production of any items that resemble cigarettes or other tobacco products, for example toys or food, will be prohibited in 2011.

Under the program cigarette prices would be maintained at a high level and campaigns on the harmful effects of smoking would be launched.

Anti-smoking legislation, banning indoor smoking in restaurants, bars, hotels, offices and other places, came into effect in December 2010. A full ban on smoking in indoor public spaces legislation will be implemented by 2012. (pi)

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