Ban on tobacco sales to under 18s

The country has banned the sale of tobacco to persons under the age of 18 and has also forbidden smoking in areas where children are present, reports The National News.

The new law also pertains to the import and sale of toys and candy that resemble cigarettes or are adorned with images that could encourage youngsters to take up smoking. Saudi Arabia had already banned smoking in public places including restaurants, airports, public transportation and educational institutions in 2019, according to The National News. Taxes have also been imposed on tobacco products and a 100 per cent hike on the price of shisha, which is all part of the country’s goal of reducing tobacco consumption to 5 per cent by 2030.
Parents and teachers were especially relieved to hear of the latest law one of them saying that smoking shisha and cigarettes from a young age was tolerated in Arab societies and that the new law will make adults reconsider smoking in front of young children, reports The National News.
“I am so relieved as a parent and teacher that the government is forcing adults to quit or at least prevent second-hand smoking and is focused on improving public health,” said Suad Alamri a Saudi teacher living in Jeddah.

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