BAT to spend KES 100 million to comply with tobacco act

British American Tobacco (BAT) will spend KES 100 million (EUR 1.03 million) to comply with the national Tobacco Control Act, which will come into force in four months.

The money will be spent on developing new packaging, removal of tobacco related branding on materials in outlets and communication with industry stakeholders.
BAT Kenya managing director, Nicolas Maistre at a media briefing, said the company is committed to complying with the new law and is undertaking necessary steps as required by July 8. Maistre said though some of the provisions of the law are harsh while others require more clarification to assist in implementation, it represents a reasonable regulation for the country.
The Tobacco Control Act assented to by the President last year seeks to ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. It also prohibits the sale of cigarettes to minors as well as banning single stick and vending-machine sales. (sra)

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