Brexit ‘no deal’ would see graphic warnings change

The government has announced that a ‘no deal’ Brexit scenario would see the government using Australian graphic health warnings instead of continuing to use the current EU warnings, Mike Ridgway of the Consumer Packaging Manufacturers Alliance told TJI.

“The Government has agreed with the Australians to replace the EU graphical health warnings with their alternatives,” Ridgway, who closely monitors packaging regulation, said. “Following the restriction to print graphic images on packs, which came into force in 2009, all tobacco packs had to include the images. These images are held in a central library and have to be rotated on a regular basis,” he said.
“But in August it was stated by the Government that these would have to change because the European Commission held the copyright and ownership of the images.”
Ridgway said that by cooperating with the Australians, the packaging industry will be able to continue to print and manufacture hinged-lid cigarette tobacco packs for the industry and supply product to the consumer. “Any produced before exit day next March and in the distribution chain may be used for a further 12 months,” Ridgway said.

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