Cigarette prices to rise

Luxembourg wants to take various measures to combat tobacco consumption. One key measure is to raise the prices of tobacco products, reports L’essentiel.

For example, the price of a pack of 20 cigarettes is to increase by EUR 0.20, as is the price of a bag containing 50 grams of tobacco. The measures in this plan also include “the introduction of a neutral cigarette pack to reduce the attractiveness of cigarette packs”, especially “for young people”.
While the Ministry of Finance told L’essentiel a few weeks ago that there was currently “no decision by the government to increase tobacco prices”, this plan is a counterweight and confirms several measures defended by the Cancer Foundation in particular. “We would like to go in this direction, yes. France has achieved convincing results,” affirmed Lucienne Thommes, Director of the Cancer Foundation, at the beginning of March, referring to tobacco prices in Luxembourg, which are “ridiculous and far too low in relation to income levels”.
With the price increase now in prospect, cigarettes in Luxembourg would still be unusually cheap compared to neighbouring countries. Currently, a pack of 20 cigarettes costs around EUR 5 in Luxembourg. In Germany, the prices for large and popular brands are beyond EUR 7.50.
For cross-border commuters, it will therefore remain attractive to buy cigarettes on the other side of the border. The French smokers, however, save even more than German consumers. In the meantime, tobacco tax has been increased so much that a pack costs more than EUR 10.
More details about the Council of Ministers’ plans are not yet known. For the time being, it remains unclear when the planned price increase will be implemented.

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