Commission calls for a smoke free Europe

The European Commission today adopted a proposal for a Council Recommendation calling on all Member States to bring in comprehensive smoke-free laws by 2012.

The recommendations include three main areas. Firstly, EU-member states shall adopt and implement laws to fully protect their citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke in enclosed public places, workplaces and public transport as cited in Article 8 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) within three years of the adoption of the Council Recommendation.
Secondly, member states shall enhance smoke-free laws with supporting measures such as protecting children, encouraging efforts to give up tobacco use and mandating pictorial warnings on tobacco packages.
Thirdly, cooperation at EU level shall be strengthened by setting up a network of national focal points for tobacco control.
Currently, all member states have some form of regulation aimed to limit exposure to second-hand smoke, but the scope and character of these regulations vary. So far, ten EU member states provide for comprehensive protection from exposure to tobacco smoke. Total bans on smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces, including bars and restaurants, are in place in Ireland and in the UK. A similar ban is due to come into force in Bulgaria in June 2010. Italy, Malta, Sweden, Latvia, Finland, Slovenia, France and the Netherlands have introduced smoke-free legislation allowing for special enclosed smoking rooms. (pi)

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