Country referred to EU Court of Justice

Hungary faces EU Court of Justice after failing to apply the minimum EU excise duty on cigarettes, according to press release written by the European Commission.

The European Commission decided to refer Hungary to the Court of Justice after the country failed to apply the minimum EU threshold for excise duty on cigarettes.
The EU rules (Council Directive 2011/64/EU) concerning manufactured tobacco state that Member States must charge an excise duty on cigarettes of at least 60 per cent of the applicable weighted average retail price and not lower than EUR 90 per 1,000 cigarettes, according to the press release. These rules are in place to ensure proper functioning of the internal market and aim to protect public health, the statement said.
In order to gradually increase the excise duty and reach the required minimum, Hungary was given a transitional period until 31 December 2017. Hungary was issued a letter of formal notice on 24 January 2019 and a reasoned opinion on 6 June 2019.
Since the excise duty applied by Hungary is currently still below the EU threshold, the Commission has now passed the matter on to the Court of Justice of the European Union, according to the press release.

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