E-cigs sold to minors contacted via Snapchat

Sellers have targeted minors on Snapchat reaching out to sell nicotine and THC vaping products to them using the popular social media platform, reports iHeartRadio.

Police on Vancouver Island seized various vape pens with high doses of THC during an investigation into a crime ring selling e-cigarettes filled with nicotine and THC to minors at middle and high schools.
According to Const. Rob Winter, of the Saanich Police Department’s Street Crime Unit, some of the items seized by the police contained “very high amounts” of THC – up to 98 per cent, reports iHeartRadio.
The police had received a tip-off last year and have since been observing adults loitering around schools in Saanich and Greater Victoria. Const. Markus Anastasiades said that they were “selling vape products to minors on school grounds, in the parking lots at malls and in public spaces such as parks.”
Allegedly the sellers contacted the youths primarily via Snapchat and would then bring the disguised e-cigarettes and liquids to agreed upon spots such as at school or in malls.
While stores are not allowed to sell the products to anyone under the age of 18, it is unclear if the law has been broken in this instance.
“This is a federal statute, not a criminal code offense,” Anastasiades explained. “So, there’s agencies, external federal agencies that will be looking at this file that we’ve already consulted with.”

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