Hong Kong bans e-cigarettes

From 30 April, Hong Kong will ban the import and sale of alternative smoking products (ASP) such as e-cigarettes, reports The Star.

A government statement said that under the Smoking Ordinance 2021, it will no longer be permitted to use or carry activated ASP in non-smoking areas. Violators will be fined HKD 1,500 (USD 191). The ban applies to electronic smoking products, heated tobacco products, herbal cigarettes and their accessories, the government said.
The ordinance prohibits the importation of ASP in the form of packets, loads or by incoming travellers. Persons bringing such products into the city will have to declare them to customs. The ordinance also prohibits the advertising, manufacture and possession of ASP for commercial purposes. Those who violate the law face a fine of HKD 50,000 and imprisonment for six months, the report said.

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