Hong Kong raises cigarette tax

After a heated debate which last seven hours the bill was passed 33-8, with 12 abstentions. The major supporting votes came from the Democratic Party and the Civic Party.
Defending the government's case, Secretary for Food and Health York Chow said the purpose of the tobacco duty increase was to protect public health, while the lawmakers who voted against it said it deprives the poor from enjoying the only luxury they can afford.
The vote means a packet of cigarettes will now cost HKD 50 (EUR 4.48), 70 per cent of which is tax.
Apart from tax the increase, Chow said the government will increase tobacco control, enhance rehabilitation services and public education to encourage people, especially young people, to smoke less or quit smoking. 
Chow rejected the suggestion that tobacco duty increase would prompt smokers to buy illicit cigarettes, saying the government is determined to crack down on illicit cigarettes. (pi)

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