Illegal tobacco sales lead to 144 convictions

The country’s courts have been dealing with 277 cases of illegal tobacco sales, 144 of which have now led to convictions, reports Bulawayo.

The number of cases of illegal tobacco sales comes as the Tobacco Marketing Season in Zimbabwe reaches its peak with 170 million kgs of golden leaf already sold on the three official and licensed auction floors – Boka Tobacco Floors, Premier Tobacco Auction Floors and Tobacco Sales Floor.
So far, USD 468.93 million have been raised from tobacco sales, which is 19 per cent higher than numbers from the same time last year, according to Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa.
“This was due to the prices which were 13 per cent firmer than last year and delivery of better quality of the tobacco,” Mutsvangwa said. She continued to stat that the total tobacco export shipments had reached 65,474 million kg as of 25 June with 94 per cent of tobacco sold under contract and 6 per cent under auction, reports Bulawayo.

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