Import of single-use vapes to be banned

According to the Health Minister, the country will ban the import of disposable vapes from January initiating the first step in curbing the growing popularity of vapes among youths, reports Yahoo.

Come March, all non-therapeutic vapes, including refillable devices will also be banned and those importing vapes for medical purposes will need a permit from the Office of Drug control. As well as that, the legislative package will include a total of AUD 75 million (USD 49.5 million) in extra funding for the Australian Border Force and the Therapeutic Goods Administration to enforce the new rules and starting next year additional legislation will apply the same prohibitions to domestic manufacturers, reports Yahoo.
“These are the vapes that have pink unicorns on them, bubblegum flavouring, disguised in order for them to hide them in their pencil cases,” said Health Minister Mark Butler.
“This is not a therapeutic good to help hardened smokers kick the habit. This is a good that is deliberately targeted at kids to recruit them to nicotine addiction.”
In order to still make vapes available for smokers looking to quit, doctors and nurses will be given expanded powers in January to prescribe therapeutic vapes where clinically appropriate. However, these will be restricted from using flavours and limited nicotine levels will apply, reports Yahoo.

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