Initiative against e-cig flavour ban

Over 10,000 people have signed the petition “Free choice for adults! On preservation of e-cigarette aromas” against the ban on e-cigarette flavours, reports BNN.

The initiative on platform has received great interest and because the petition has already been signed by more than 10,000 people it will be submitted to the Saeima, the parliament of the Republic of Latvia. The goal of the initiative is to persuade parliament not to ban e-cigarette flavours and instead educate society about healthy choices, reports BNN. The initiative, whose target audience is people looking to quit smoking, believes that the e-cigarette industry does not target youths and is not interested in youths using its products.
“The Saeima’s new regulations are in breach of strategies employed in the interest of public health by countries like Sweden and Britain,” the initiative’s application states.
“The latest scientific data shows that e-cigarettes are up to 95 per cent less dangerous for human health than regular cigarettes. The use of e-cigarettes are supported as a way out of sorts for residents to stop using tobacco products, as well as radically combat the widely spread smoking-related diseases like lung cancer,” says Toms Lūsis, the author of the initiative.
He went on to say that the state budget could lose considerable revenue from excise tax on flavoured e-cigarette liquids if the government banned adults from choosing to use flavoured e-cigarette products.

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