JTI Leaf Malawi buys 40 million kgs of tobacco

JTI Leaf Malawi says it has managed to buy 40 million kilogrammes of tobacco this year despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Malawi24 reported.

JTI Leaf Malawi corporate affairs and communications director Limbani Kakhome said unlike last year, growers were allowed to participate in the sales this year and all COVID-19 protocols were followed.
According to Kakhome, a total of 40 million kilogrammes of all tobacco varieties were purchased by the company in all four tobacco marketing floors. “JTI bought 40 million kilogrammes of Burley tobacco, the only variety the company buys. I would like to thank all our growers across Malawi for supplying us with high quality leaf,” he said. “Malawi continues to do well quality wise. Our quality index this year has also improved over the years and this is a manifestation that the extension services we are providing to our growers are bearing fruits.”

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