Juul stops sale of fruity flavours in the US

Juul Labs has released a press release announcing the suspension of their non-tobacco, non-menthol-based flavours in the US, pending FDA review.

The decision comes after Juul Labs was hit with a wrongful death lawsuit and has continuously come under fire for targeting teens with colourful marketing and enticing dessert flavours, according to the company statement.
Juul Lab’s new CEO, K.C. Crosthwaite is leading a broad review of the company’s policies and made public that the company will be suspending all broadcast, print and digital product advertising in the US, as well as putting a stop to the sale of their non-tobacco, non-menthol based flavours (Mango, Crème, Fruit and Cucumber), pending FDA review.
Crosthwaite commented on the decision to remove fruity flavours from the US market, saying, “We must reset the vapour category by earning the trust of society and working cooperatively with regulators, policymakers, and stakeholders to combat underage use while providing an alternative to adult smokers.”
From now until the FDA review is complete, Juul Labs will continue to sell only its tobacco and menthol pods, the company said.

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