KT&G appoints final CEO candidate

On 22 February, KT&G’s CEO Candidate Recommendation Committee conducted comprehensive face-to-face interviews with the four candidates on the second shortlist, ultimately selecting Kyung-man Bang as the final candidate for the next CEO of KT&G.
Pending approval at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders in late March, Mr. Bang is set to officially assume the role and lead the company for the next three years, aligning with the collective will of the entire shareholder body.
With a bachelor’s degree in economics from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and an MBA from the University of New Hampshire, Mr Bang, currently the Chief Operating Officer, has held various management positions since joining Korea Tobacco and Ginseng (KT&G’s predecessor) in 1998. His extensive experience includes roles such as Managing Director of Brand Management, Executive Managing Director of Global Headquarters, Executive Managing Director of Strategy and Planning Headquarters, and Chief Business Officer.
“I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly to ensuring that KT&G leaps forward as a ‘Global Top-tier’ company by leading innovation and seizing future growth opportunities,” said Kyung-man Bang.
Since December, the KT&G Board of Directors has diligently followed a three-stage CEO appointment process, including the Governance Committee, CEO Candidate Recommendation Committee, and approval at the Annual General Meeting. The Governance Committee ensured transparency through open recruitment, forming a diverse CEO candidate pool and advancing a fair appointment process.

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