Lawmakers vote to ban smoking in woods

As part of proposed measures to combat the growing destruction and dangers from climate change-related blazes, French lawmakers have voted to ban smoking in all forests and woods during the fire season, reports abc News.

In a first reading, the National Assembly lawmakers voted 197-0 in favour of the proposed law to help prevent and fight forest fires. The proposed law features an amendment that would see smoking banned near all forests and woods deemed to be at fire-risk by authorities.
France has recently been hit by forest fires even earlier than usual due to droughts and the proposed smoking ban aims to reduce the risk of fires started by discarded cigarettes. The government says human activity is by far the most frequent trigger of forest fires in France, responsible for 90 per cent of blazes, according to abc News.
The draft of the law has already passed through the Senate and now senators and National Assembly lawmakers will work on a final draft of the proposed law after which it is expected to be adopted, reports abc News.

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