Member states need to lay down law

The almost year-old legislation banning flavours added to tobacco products is allegedly not being properly implemented by all EU member states, reports the EU Reporter.

Almost a year ago, the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) imposed a ban on all flavoured tobacco products including menthol, however some tobacco companies are finding ways around the ban and are even launching new menthol style products.
The European Commission has stated that it is down to the national capitals to enforce the EU wide legislation and although some member states have begun investigating the matter no firm action has yet been taken, according to the EU Reporter.
The Irish Health Service Executive says it is “actively investigating” tobacco companies over alleged breaches of the menthol cigarette ban with Irish health minister Stephen Donnelly saying he would support any revisions to the directive to ensure that the provision in relation to the menthol ban is “robust”, reports the EU Reporter.
Japan Tobacco International said it was confident that all of its cigarettes and rolling tobacco were fully compliant in the EU.

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