Plans to ban smoking near schools and hospitals

The country’s health minister has revealed plans to ban smoking near schools and hospitals as well as in covered outdoor seating areas, reports AFP.

On top of this, the law would ban smoking in indoor spaces such as smoking areas inside cafes and would also forbid the sale of tobacco products in locations where they have been banned, from 2025, according to AFP.
Smoking in indoor public spaces has been banned for over ten years in Portugal and the new law aims to further reduce deaths that are linked to tobacco use.
“With this law, we hope that young people can live in an environment without tobacco, reduce the incentive to smoke and allow smokers to overcome their addiction,” Health Minister Manuel Pizarro said.
“Our objective is to have a generation living without tobacco by 2040… this law is in line with the EU’s anti-tobacco stance, but we wish to go further,” he added.
Furthermore, the government wants to introduce health warnings on the packaging of all tobacco products such as e-cigarettes, according to AFP.


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