Regulations for reporting vape products

The Government of Canada has unveiled the Vaping Products Reporting Regulations which will require manufacturers to disclose information of their vaping products to Health Canada, reports Mirage News.

The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health announced the new regulations as one step to better understand the rapidly evolving vaping market and the impact vaping can have on people’s health, reports Mirage News.
Manufacturers will have to disclose information about the sales of and the ingredients in their vaping products to Health Canada.
It is hoped that the data generated will help to with the future development of policies and regulation and generally give a better understanding of the vaping market and the health impacts of vaping.
According to Mirage News, Health Canada is considering future additional changes to the vaping product reporting requirements that would enhance ongoing research and data collection activities and create even greater alignment with those in place for tobacco product manufacturers.

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