Russia ratifies WHO anti-smoking convention

Russia's lower house has ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

Under the convention, tobacco advertising is to be banned completely within five years from its ratification, and heath warnings are to occupy at least 30 per cent of cigarette packaging within three years.
Furthermore, under the FCTC, countries are encouraged to raise taxes on tobacco producers, eliminate the illicit trade in tobacco products, ban tobacco sales to and by minors, and promote agricultural diversification and alternative livelihoods for tobacco producers.
The cabinet in January introduced a total ban on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorships. Present law forbids radio, television and outdoor tobacco advertising, but smoking advertisements adorn the metro and magazines.
Some 60 per cent of Russian men and 27 per cent of women smoke, deputies cited government statistics, saying the figures were up from previous years. (pi)

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