Smoking ban in all health facilities

Health Minister Khaled Abdel Ghaffar has permanently banned smoking in all Egyptian health facilities and any bodies affiliated to the Ministry of Health, reports the Egypt Independent.

In a move to protect the health and safety of its citizens from the dangers of smoking, Egypt has moved to ban smoking across all health facilities. Abdel Ghaffar said that the decision to ban smoking implements the provisions of Law #154 of 2007, which was amended by some provisions of Law #52 of 1982. The laws in question govern the prevention of smoking harms and include a final ban on smoking of all kinds within various health and educational facilities, government agencies, clubs, social centres, youth centres and others, reports the Egypt Independent.
As per the new ban, those responsible for the facilities must now take the necessary measures to prevent smoking within the facilities. Anyone found in breach of implementing the directive risks a fine of between EGP 1,000 (USD 32.33) and EGP 20,000 (USD 646.61), while the smoker faces a fine of up to EGP 100 (USD 3.23).

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