Study: Cigarette filters need to be banned

A study by sustainability think tank CE Delft has shown that users are continuing to discard cigarette butts despite campaigns to raise awareness of the pollution they cause, reports

According to the study, which was commissioned by junior environment minister Vivianne Heijnen, only a complete ban on cigarette filters would help to solve the problem. Heijnen’s goal is to reduce the amount of discarded filters by 70 per cent in 2026, however, CE Delft found that so far only a 15 per cent reduction has been achieved despite awareness campaigns and different measures such as banning smoking on beaches.
The reports stated a ban on filters would only become feasible in 2026 when the European rules on single use plastics will be reviewed, reports There are different ideas that have yet to be trialled such as a deposit scheme for cigarette butts, however consumer resonance to this has been restrained with only a quarter of smokers saying they would be willing to store their butts and discard them at a designated collection point.
The results of the study are a setback for Heijnen who had said she would inform MPs how to reach the 70 per cent reduction goal before 20 April.

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