Switch to standardised tobacco packaging

The States Assembly have put new regulations in place that will see EU images replaced with UK images on tobacco packaging, reports ITV.

Jersey's States Assembly will bring in new rules on the packaging of tobacco products. Packaging will become standardised which means all promotional aspects such as company logos and colour will be removed, reports ITV. In addition, EU health warnings and images will be substituted for the UK version, as the EU warnings are no longer applicable since Brexit.
According to Health Minister, Deputy Richard Renouf one in six deaths in Jersey are linked to smoking and he says that “branded packaging plays an important part in 'encouraging people to take up smoking,” according to ITV. The new standardised packaging aims to reduce the attractiveness of the product and increase the effectiveness of health warnings.
A transition period for cigarette and MYO/RYO products that were imported before 1 January 2022 will be in place until 21 July 2022. Other tobacco products imported before 31 July 2022 that complied with previous regulations will be allowed to be supplied until 31 July 2023, according to ITV.

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