Taxes on nicotine products to increase

Due to a worrying rise in consumption among youths, Denmark is planning to increase taxes on nicotine products including snus, reports AFP.

The Danish health ministry said it would be increasing taxes on nicotine products as well as restricting alcohol sales to minors. The taxes on snus will be doubled, which will see the average price of a packet go up by DKK 12 (USD 1.73) – the same as a pack of cigarettes, according to AFP.
Health Minister Sophie Lohde said that youths were consuming more snus, which contains synthetic nicotine and is often flavoured making it appealing to young people. Therefore, the government will also forbid smoking substitution products from containing “enticing aromas and smells,” the ministry said, according to AFP.
Regarding alcohol, the sale of drinks containing over 6 per cent of alcohol will be forbidden to under 18s. Previously, those aged 16 and over were able to buy drinks containing up to 16.5 per cent alcohol. According to a 2019 study by ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) 40 per cent of 15-to-16-year-old Danes had got drunk in the previous 30 days, the highest in Europe, where the average is 13 per cent, reports AFP.


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