Tight Restrictions Tight Restrictions

Mrs Els Borst, the Dutch health minister, has proposed tighter restrictions for the consumption of tobacco products in the Netherlands

The proposal foresees a smoking ban in public buildings and in working places. If approved, it will also introduce an advertising ban for tobacco products and a minimum age for buying tobacco.
The proposal will be discussed with tobacco industry representatives. It was sharply criticised by Mr Hans Blankert, the president of the Dutch Industry Association (VNO/NCW), who said that “companies should be allowed to make their own policies as far as smoking in the workplace is concerned.” The statement of the VNO/NCW was supported by several members of parliament.
The Dutch proposal shows that the government of the Netherlands will probably not continue to follow the liberal tobacco policy it has until now. The Netherlands is one of the few countries in the European Union which does not support a EU-wide ban of tobacco advertising; the fresh anti-tobacco move could change this position.

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