Tobacco use declines

Globally there are 1.25 billion adult tobacco users, according to the latest estimates in the World Health Organization (WHO) tobacco trends report.

Trends in 2022 show a continued decline in tobacco use rates globally. With about 1 in 5 adults worldwide consuming tobacco compared to 1 in 3 in 2000.
Currently, the proportion of tobacco users is highest in the WHO South-East Asia Region at 26.5 per cent, with the European Region not far behind at 25.3 per cent. The report shows that the WHO European Region will have the highest rates in the world by 2030, with a prevalence of just over 23 per cent. Tobacco use among women in the WHO European Region is more than double the global average and is declining much more slowly than in any other region.
The report shows that 150 countries are successfully reducing tobacco use. Brazil and the Netherlands are seeing success after introducing MPOWER tobacco control measures, with Brazil making a relative reduction of 35 per cent since 2010 and the Netherlands on the verge of reaching the 30 per cent target.
In some countries, the prevalence of tobacco use has hardly changed since 2010, while in six countries tobacco use continues to increase: Congo, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Oman and the Republic of Moldova.
The WHO calls on countries to accelerate their tobacco control efforts, as there is still “much work to be done”.

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