Ban on tobacco sales extended

The Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has introduced a new amendment expanding the scope of places where the sale of alcohol and tobacco products is prohibited, reports Hürriyet Daily News.

The amendment now includes “annexes, open areas and gardens” of institutions providing health, education, cultural and sports services.

The change follows a circular issued by the Istanbul Governor’s Office on 17 August, which sparked controversy over the perceived restriction of alcohol-related activities in public areas. In response to the debate, the governor’s office issued a clarifying statement stressing that the decision was “not a novel concept but a reminder of the responsibilities of relevant institutions.”

The statement said that this reminder was prompted by complaints from local authorities, social media and concerned citizens who reported cases of “disorderly conduct attributed to alcohol-related incidents”, the report said. Emin Gökçegözoğlu, the head of press and public relations at the governor’s office, further explained that the intention was to address disturbances to public peace as a result of alcohol consumption in places such as parks, beaches, picnic areas and recreational areas.

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