1.9 million cigarettes seized

Luxembourg customs have uncovered and seized 1.9 million smuggled Chinese cigarettes destined for the UK, reports Delano.

The contraband was hidden among clothing, shoes, food, electronics and personal items. To find the cigarettes 2,400 packages were searched by 24 customs officers who worked for three months at the Findel Cargocenter to uncover the cigarettes.
Finance Minister Yuriko Backes congratulates the officials of the customs administration: “You take on multiple tasks and protect our trade, consumers and our health. Congratulations on this record discovery.”
According to the report, Luxembourg customs tracked down the smugglers thanks to information from Great Britain. The customs office has now intensified its communication with British authorities to exchange information about the seizures.
At the end of 2021, the customs agency set up a unit that specialises specifically in cigarette smuggling.

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