Update: 30 grams of cannabis allowed

Germany’s health minister has unveiled plans to decriminalise the possession of up to 30 grams of cannabis and allow the sale to adults for recreational purposes in a controlled market, reports euronews.

It is still unclear whether the plan approved by the Cabinet can be implemented, as the government first wants to make sure that it is compatible with European Union law. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said it will only proceed with legislation if that is the case.
The plan calls for the sale of cannabis to adults at licensed outlets, and the aim is to combat organised crime and the black market, Lauterbach said. He added that the government intends to regulate the market tightly.
Under the proposed legislation, growing cannabis at home would be allowed to a limited extent (up to three plants) and sales would be possible in licensed stores and potentially in pharmacies. The sale of medical cannabis has been allowed in German pharmacies since 2016.

The use of cannabis would only be allowed for adults, while it remains prohibited for anyone under the age of 18. According to Lauterbach, four million people in Germany used cannabis last year, and a quarter of all 18- to 24-year-olds in the country have used it.

The reform, which Lauterbach said is unlikely to come into effect before 2024 if in line with EU laws, would make Germany one of the most liberal countries in Europe when it comes to legislation around cannabis. “This would be, on the one hand, the most liberal cannabis liberalisation in Europe, and, on the other hand, it would also be the most tightly regulated market,” said Lauterbach, adding that the reform could be “a model” for Europe.

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