73% want legal age to buy tobacco raised to 21

New research shows that almost three-quarters of people in Ireland want the legal age for the sale of tobacco raised from 18 to 21, reports Irish Mirror.

The Ipsos MRBI poll for the Irish Heart Foundation (IHF) follows research showing smoking among young people in Ireland is on the rise for the first time in a quarter of a century. A total of 73 per cent of the 1,029 people aged over 15 surveyed in the poll are in favour of raising the age for the sale of cigarettes to 21, with 26 per cent disagreeing and 1 per cent undecided. In the 18-24 age group, 71 per cent backed the proposal, the report said.
The IHF's director of advocacy, Chris Macey, said: "The evidence strongly suggests that raising the age of sale will turn the tide back in the right direction, disrupting a high rate of smokers moving from casual use to addiction between the ages of 18 and 20."
"In the US, Tobacco 21 laws introduced in various states before it became federal law in 2019 reduced smoking in that age group by up to 33.9 per cent. The US Institute of Medicine says 223,000 lives will be saved among those born between 2000-2019.
"We would be confident similar laws will work in Ireland due to the hugely positive impact of increasing the age of sale here in 2002 from 16 to 18."
Macey argued that raising the age would not be an infringement of people's rights, as under-21s are already banned from activities such as adopting children, driving large passenger vehicles, supervising learner drivers and standing in national and European elections.

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