Alliance formed to fight illicit trade

The South African Revenue Service (Sars) has announced that it is collaborating with the Tobacco Institute of Southern Africa (TISA) and the Fair-trade Independent Tobacco Association (FITA) to fight illicit trade in cigarette and all tobacco products, The Independent Online South Africa reported.

FITA and TISA represent about 99 per cent of the tobacco industry in the country, according to the report. In the agreement, the associations pledged to take action against any of their own members who have been identified as breaking South African tax, customs and excise laws. The corrective action that was agreed upon between the associations include expulsion, suspension and or some other penalty.
Sars commented on the collaboration saying, “The two associations also committed to ensuring that their members fully comply with the relevant legislation at all times. Members who may be in contravention of the laws are encouraged to take corrective action through available avenues, including making full disclosures to Sars.”

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