Baltimore Ban

The US Supreme Court rejected a constitutional challenge to a ban on billboards that advertise cigarettes or alcoholic beverages in public places frequented by children

. The court’s decision on the ban in Baltimore came just three days after a federal judge in North Carolina ruled that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can regulate sales and labelling of cigarettes but has no authority over advertising. The decision to let stand the Baltimore ban was taken without any comment or dissent from the justice and does not create a nationwide precedent. But it could encourage other cities to adopt similar measures. The Baltimore cases, involving two ordinances adopted in 1994 in an effort to reduce illegal smoking and drinking by minors, had been closely watched by the tobacco, advertising and alcoholic beverage industries. The North Carolina judge never reached the constitutional free-speech question, ruling only on the more narrow issue that the FDA lacked the authority under the law to adopt the federal restrictions on advertising of cigarettes.

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