BAT could move cigarette production from Hungary

British American Tobacco (BAT) could move cigarette production from its base in Pécs (170 km southwest of Budapest) to other factories within the group, Budapest Business Journal reported.

The measure is part of a proposed restructuring of production in Pécs and is expected to have an impact on the workforce. However, details are still being negotiated with the workersʼ council and the union, the report said.
At the same time, BAT Pécsi Dohánygyár could extend its product range to include loose leaf tobacco and expand the production of nicotine pouches to become the largest producer of the product in the BAT Group. The increase in the production of nicotine pouches, which contain no tobacco, fits well with BATʼs's strategy of offering consumers a wider choice of "potentially less harmful products", said BAT Pécsi Dohánygyár.

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