BATB makes major investment

British American Tobacco Bangladesh (BATB) is investing BDT 322 crore (USD 37 million) in its Savar factory, reports the Daily Star.

The investment is aimed at expanding in order to meet a growing demand from abroad and commercial operations at the plant are expected to start in October.
BATB had already invested BTD 192.50 crore (USD 22 million) in February to increase its manufacturing capacity, according to the Daily Star. Company Secretary Md Azizur Rahman said the latest investment will be increased step by step to keep up with rising demand from abroad. He also said that it will help the company compete with other nations such as Singapore, Malaysia and other developed nations.
"Our new planned expansion activities will take around one year for commercial operations to launch because there are many things to do. If our export surges then it would impact the whole economy positively because its linkage industry also will get a boost," said Rahman.

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