Campaign for tobacco-free future

Karnataka’s Health Minister Dr K Sudhakar has launched the India Vs Tobacco Campaign hoping to encourage youths, parents, and institutions to initiate a tobacco-free country, reports the Deccan Herald.

As part of the campaign, Sudhakar unveiled billboards and posters featuring QR codes that aim to educate people on the health risks of tobacco use and passive smoking. The billboards show an image that illustrates second-hand smoke with the QR code revealing a hidden message once scanned. The billboards are being installed in and around the city and will remain up until World No Tobacco Day on 31 May. According to the Deccan Herald, the initiative will also be accompanied by a social media campaign that will include information on the harmful effects of tobacco on the environment, in keeping with this year’s theme for World No Tobacco Day — ‘Tobacco: Threat to the Environment’.

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