Cigarette prices increased

Cigarettes have become more expensive in Serbia, Montenegro and Morocco as of 1 January, local media report.

According to Serbian Monitor, the prices of all types of cigarettes in Serbia have increased by another RSD 10 (USD 0.09) per pack, so that the cheapest pack costs RSD 310 (USD 2.80) and the most expensive RSD 600 (USD 5.40). Since the adoption of the excise duty schedule at the end of 2020, cigarette prices have increased twice a year by an average of RSD 10. Cigarette prices will continue to rise until 2025. Excise duty on e-liquids increased by RSD 1 per millimetre of liquid.

According to SeeNews, The Montenegrin government increased the excise tax on cigarettes, tobacco and e-cigarettes on 1 January. The proportional component of the excise tax was reduced from 26 per cent to 24.5 per cent, but the specific component was raised from EUR 44 per thousand cigarettes to EUR 47.50 euros, state broadcaster RTCG reported. Excise duty on cut tobacco was raised from EUR 50 to 55, while it was increased from EUR 100 to 145 for smokeless tobacco products.

According to Morocco World News, Morocco’s tax watchdog, the Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxation (ADII), has announced that prices for tobacco products, including cigarettes, have been increased from January 2023. The increase, announced as part of the 2022 state budget, is part of Morocco’s five-year strategy to curb the smoking epidemic in the country by raising tariffs. The new tax increase would mean that cigarettes sold in Morocco would become MAD 1 to 2 (USD 0.09 – 00.18) more expensive per pack. The prices of other products considered hazardous to health would also be increased. When the government presented the draft budget for 2023 for approval, it became known that shisha and e-cigarettes will become more expensive. For shisha, the new tax means that consumers will have to pay MAD 675 (USD 63.64) for every kilo of shisha smoking material.

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