Cigarette prices to rise

The new tobacco tax model will come into force in Austria on 1 April this year. The industry is reacting by adjusting its prices, reports Trafikantenzeitung.

The first step is taken by JTI – all cigarette packages will make a price increase of EUR 0.20. Company spokesman Ralf-Wolfgang Lothert was quoted as saying: "We also see the price increase as a basis for the functioning of the tax model and above all as a support for our tobacconists, especially in these challenging times."
For example, JTI’s Benson & Hedges Silver will rise from EUR 4.90 to 5.10, Camel Essential Filters from 5.20 to 5.40, American Spirit Original Blue from 5.50 to 5.70 and fine-cut tobacco Landtabak 40 g from 4.00 to 4.20.
According to the report, market leader Philip Morris will also increase prices. L&M Red and Blue will rise from EUR 4.90 to 5.10, Chesterfield Original from 5.00 to 5.20 and Marlboro Red from 5.50 to 5.70. Marlboro 28s and Gold 28s become 27s, the price remains the same at EUR 7.00.

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