Cigarette sales down 25% over past 5 years

The number of cigarettes sold in Ireland has fallen by nearly a quarter over the past five years, Irish Examiner reported.

The report quotes figures from Euromonitor International showing that the country is continuing to see a steady decline in cigarette sales over the last five years. The report shows that Irish smoked 736 cigarettes or almost 37 packs per capita in 2013. In 2018, however, the number dropped to 559 cigarettes or almost 28 packs per capita. Ireland ranks 100th in the world for cigarette sales per capita, according to the report.
The latest Euromonitor International report on smoking in Ireland 2019 said plain packaging is believed to be having little effect on tobacco volume sales. It also said that the public health authorities in Ireland remain committed to the country’s Tobacco Free Ireland action plan. This aims to reduce overall smoking prevalence in the country to 5% per cent by 2025. The report said: “The plan builds on existing tobacco control measures and regulations and contains more than 60 recommendations to further discourage smoking and protect public health.”

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