Cigarette tax to rise 100 per cent

The tax on cigarettes is expected to be hiked 100 per cent this year as part of a selective tax agreement agreed last year by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to raise the price of goods deemed unhealthy, the Times of Oman said.

Cigarettes, alcohol and unspecified other unhealthy products have been targeted by the Finance Ministry for the tax increase this year, the Times said. The rationale for the stiff duties is that use of unhealthy products raises healthcare costs for governments, the newspaper said.
The 2016 selective tax agreement by GCC member states Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudia Arabia, Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates calls for comparable duties on products deemed harmful to human health and the environment. For example a 100 per cent tax was approved for tobacco products and high energy drinks sold in member countries, while soft drinks face a 50 per cent tax.

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