Cigarettes still number one

Cigarettes are still the most popular in the local smoking market, selling more than other smoking methods such as electronic cigarettes, reports Jordan News.

According to Dr Bassam Hijjawi, head of the Jordanian National Anti-Smoking Society, 41 per cent of smokers use traditional tobacco products whereas only 17.1 per cent use e-cigarettes. On average, of the 65.3 per cent of men that smoke start when they are 17, for the 16.4 per cent of women that smoke the average age of starting to smoke is 24. Between them, men and women smoke an average of 21 cigarettes per day, according to Jordan News.
When it comes to quitting, Hijjawi says that men are more successful with a quit rate of 9.1 per cent compared to 3 per cent of women.
According to a 2022 report by the World Health Organization (WHO) Jordanian families spend more money on smoking per month than they do on food, reports Jordan News. Another WHO survey shows that Jordan ranks first in the world when it comes to smoking with 82 per cent aged 18 to 69 smoking cigarettes and hookah and 15 per cent using e-cigarettes.

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