CORESTA will not work with water pipes

CORESTA launched a survey to evaluate interest in water pipe research in May. The association said the survey was initiated based on the fact that “very little scientific work has been produced on either the tobacco mixture itself or the emissions”. CORESTA said ISO had begun working on standards for water pipes a preliminary level in 2010, but work had stopped in 2016.
CORESTA said low interest in from the survey, coupled with the fact that ISO has “reactivated” four proposals of its own for water pipe standards and technical specifications, led to CORESTA not adding water pipes to its work programme.
CORESTA noted the following ISO projects on water pipes have been approved by ISO Members:
NP 22486 – Standard on definitions and standard conditions
NP 22487 – Technical Specification on TPM and NFDPM
NP 22492 – Technical Specification on CO in vapour Phase
NP 22991 – Technical Specification on CO in charcoal

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