D-Day for ‘deeming rule’ tobacco products

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations covering an expanded basket of tobacco products including e-cigarettes and shisha went into effect on 8 Aug with some immediate changes and others to be phased in.

No newly deemed tobacco product, including e-cigarettes, hookah and pipe tobaccos, cigars or nicotine gels, may be introduced from 8 Aug without first obtaining FDA authorisation. Products on the market making claims of reduced risk, less exposure to a substance or absence of a substance must be withdrawn until FDA approval for a modified risk tobacco product is obtained. Products already on the market and making no reduced risk claims also require FDA approval, however manufacturers have a grace period.
From 8 Aug, free samples including those of some dissolvables are prohibited. Sales to persons less than 18 years of age are prohibited and identification showing age must be required before purchase from anyone under age 27. Sales in vending machines accessible to persons below age 18 are prohibited.
A timetable of deeming rule compliance dates is available at:

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