Disposable e-cig duty set to increase

Under its new 2024 budget, Morocco is set to increase customs duties on disposable e-cigarettes, reports Morocco World News.

The aim of the increase is to impose the same import duty rate on disposable e-cigarettes as is already in place for other electronic cigarettes as of 2023. According to Morocco World News, the import duties would be applicable to disposable electronic cigarettes from 2.5 per cent to 40 per cent, states a presentation note for the project published on the Ministry of Economy and Finance website.
The announcement of the draft budget also covers raising import duty on other consumer products such as small electric devices including razors and electric clippers, hairdryers, hand dryers, irons, microwave ovens, as well as consumer electronics, including smartphones.
The presentation note says that the introduction of the new measures will “strengthen the protection of local production of these products and equipment and promote the establishment of production units in Morocco.”

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