E-cig makers face resistance to higher nicotine levels

E-cigarette manufacturers attempting to sell e-cigarette products with higher nicotine levels in the EU have been met with opposition in Europe, Reuters reported.

According to the report, the roll-out of e-cigarette brands like Juul across Europe has been slowed down by limiting the legal amount of nicotine per millimetre of e-liquid to 20 milligrams in the EU, which is less than half the amount permitted in e-liquids sold in the US.
This makes e-cigarette products less effective as an alternative to cigarettes for heavy smokers, the e-cigarette manufacturer Juul was quoted as saying.
Looking ahead to a review of the EU’s Tobacco Products Directive in 2021, Grant Winterton, EMEA president of Juul, said, “We will put forward our position that we think the limit should be increased.
“At the moment, I would say there is quite a lot of resistance to that,” Winterton said in an interview that overlapped with Juul’s roll-out in Ireland.
Winterton says that while Britain has embraced vaping as a way to get smokers to quit smoking, governments in other EU markets are mostly “neutral to slightly positive” about vaping as an alternative to smoking.

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